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Essay about Tourism in Nepal (simple and easy)


  Tourism in Nepal

Firstly,The person who travels from a certain place for a certain period of time then return to his/her own place is called tourist. And Tourism is the business activity related to the service provided for a tourist during their stay in a place.

 It is one of the largest and fastest growing industry in the world employing over 7% of the worker of the world and earning over 6% of the total income. Every nation has been trying to expand tourism  industry but Nepal naturally has a high potential of tourism industry.

Nepal is a small country which lies in South Asia between China and India which occupies 0.01% of total land of the world.Nepal has a high potential as it is very rich in biodiversity,natural resources,cultural beauties and many more wonders. Nepal has been divided into three different region: Teari, Hilly and Mountain, And each of the ecological region has a different climate,diversity,land topography and altitude.

All ecosystem of the world expect marine and desert are found here total of 118 ecosystem along with 35 different types of forests and vegetation. We can already say that Nepal is rich in natural beauties,gift,resources and wonders.

Many tourist often come here in Nepal to see natural and cultural beauties of Nepal. Mount Everest,the highest peak of the world also lies in Nepal and we are proud of it. The snow capped mountain peaks,beautiful water resources,the green forests of hypnotic beauty, flora and fauna etc attract many tourist in Nepal every year.

Nepal is a suitable place to promote tourism. As The nature here is very relaxing and peaceful. Tourist often come here in Nepal for trekking,climbing mountains,rafting paragliding and enjoying the nature during the holidays, Other wants to learn about our culture,history, religion ans so on. 

Tourism plays a significant role in Nepal development also. We can get many advantages from it like we can earn foreign currency which can be used for our development.
Many people who are facing problem of unemployment can also get employment here.  Tourism also help in utilizing natural and human resources properly.

 Thus it help to lessen the problem of unemployment. Furthermore, it also help in trade and business. Tourist need various things and facilities and for that we also start to develop our country.

As we know, where there is a light there is a shadow also. Likewise There are some bad aspects of tourism also like we may transferring of disease,influence of foreign culture and extinct of our own culture and tradition. But we should be positive and try to promote tourism as it help in development of our country.

We have to improve quality of tourism service,So that the tourist feels that it was their best choice. And next time many more people will come along with them. We have to give them best service, so that more tourist also may get attracted here. Then more and more tourist will be attracted to Nepal for tourism. 

 Hope this helped you. and Thanks for your time :)