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Essay on my childhood

                                    My Childhood

Today, in my leisure time I was thinking about how my childhood went up to now I have forgotten many events of my childhood but I still remember some of them remembering those event of my childhood. Sometime I laugh, regret and sometime become sad remembering them.

Child is also considered of form of God, Never lying,  with Innocence and helpful nature with  pure golden heart, no greeds. And childhood is the most fun and memorable  stage of our life  from where our life begin. I used to have very much fun during my childhood just doing things that I wanted to do my mom would always feed me even if i wanted  to eat or not. And always watching TV while eating. I used to jump here and there with my friends even remembering them now bring smile in my face I don't remember much about my childhood but still I want to return my childhood my mom still says to me that I used to do a lot of  un-mature  things that make no sense listening it makes me a bit surprised thinking "what! I used to do that also"

I never had to worry about anything in my childhood.  I always used to eat,play,sleep,have fun and relaxing with no responsibility on my shoulder. Now a days I see many children working,begging and starving with hunger. They never get anything they want but i am glad that my childhood  wasn't like that. Whatever I wanted my parents should  fulfill all of my wishes. I am really happy that i got such great parents.

For a child , childhood is nothing but its very important. It's a period of time when you start to learn new things your moral and character. A person character is affected by their childhood. A child does whatever they see in their childhood so its very important for a parents to keep an eye on their children.

I used to cry when i first went to school but later on it became a habit to me and i am still going to school till now. Childhood is a golden period of anyone life . When i was child i wished that i wanted to be grownup but when i now became a grown up now i wanna go to my childhood.Only when you become a grown up you will know the real value of your childhood.

(add some of the importance of childhood.)