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10 Different Ways to improve your brain power


         Ways to improve your brain power

I have tried to kept this as simple as possible. Hope it will help you. 


Doing exercise regularly is good for our health but not only that, according to a research those who exercise daily specialize in memory,special thinking compared to those of who have lazy lifestyle and don't do any exercise.

Our brain was made with the body which travel 12 miles per day thousands years ago. Our brain perform well when we do exercise that increases our heart rate. It is because doing exercise provides blood to our brain which gives energy and glucose to our brain and also help to remove harmful electron from our brain.

2. Repeat to remember

We can't be good in memory if we just learn a new thing and never repeat it. Mostly people learn by repeating things or getting exposed to the information multiple times. repetition learning significantly increases the memory performance for a detailed information.

3. Vision trump all other senses

Vision is our most dominant sense as it use 50 % of resources in our brain. We mostly remember things more when we see a picture or videos rather than written or spoken in words. So after learning a new information try to recall it in picture so that you can remember it for long term.

4.Teach others

Teaching other is one of the best things to improve your brain power. The more we teach others the more we remember for example our teachers they remember all the solutions and even questions in the book as they have been teaching others. we remember up to 90% of what we teach others and while reading we only remember 10%. Teaching others can also help to boost your confidence,communication skill and clear misunderstanding.

5.Brain is like a muscle the more you use  it the more it improves.

Our brain is just like muscle the more we train the stronger it gets. So to train your brain you can play different mind games, study ,solve puzzles and use your brain rather than making it dull.

6.Stimulate more of the senses

 we should try to use most of our senses while learning new things. for example we remember less when we read only but we remember more when we listen and read. Just like we should try to use most of our senses like using hands, writing and speaking while learning new things.

7. Learn simple

According to a research,  if people know something they  assumes that other individuals also have the same background knowledge like their. Basically people think that what they know are also known by other people and use hard vocabulary, numbers,names etc. 

 for example- An experienced driver may be surprised by something dangerous that a new driver does, because the experienced driver struggles to understand that the new driver doesn't understand the danger of what they're doing.

And this is known as "the curse of knowledge". 

So always learn to keep things simple while both learning and teaching. Make things as simple as you can so that even a child can understand it. While learning new things always go into the core information first and avoid all the extra information first.

Smart people learn difficult things by making it easy. so make things easy first and start learning.

8. Credible

It simply means learning things from reliable sources. For example learning biology from a doctor can be remembered more than learning from a teacher. It may not apply everywhere but you can use this and learn from diff reliable sources in internet.

9. stories

it is one of the best ways to remember a new information. Just like hoe we never forget movie or web series story, learning from stories are more effective than we think. It help us in long term memory. So we should try to learn from stories.

10.Concentrate example

Another thing we can do to improve our memory skill is to give ourselves a concrete examples. Just like how I have been giving examples in upper point to make it easy to understand and remember. Rather than just theory we can give examples for better understanding.

Fun fact : Sleep literally cleanses your brain.

This post is made with the help of book "Brain rules" and "Made to stick" 

Thanks for your time!