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Essay on Drug addiction

  Drug addiction

A drug is any chemical substance that causes a change in an organism's psychology when consumed. And addiction is termed as the compulsive behavior to do something continuously unable to stop yourself from doing it. Every sort of addiction is physically,mentally,socially and economically harmful for a person. Where as drug addiction refers to continuous taking of drugs legally or illegal. It is one of the major problem in our modern society. Normally, Drug is a chemical substance used to treat a disease and promote well being, but as we know:

"To much sugar is bitter"

Drug is also meant to be medicine but excessive use of drugs is what leads to bad consequences. The people who take drugs are called drug addicts who take drugs regularly. Most of the drug addicts are found to be young teenager boys. There exist several causes for  a person to get in drug addiction.They generally use drugs in order to get relief form unnecessary mental stress,failure in various activities,lack of proper parents support and unemployment.

 Like wise, friendship with drug addicts is also a cause when a friend ask them to take drugs they can't disagree and they also get addicted. Similarly, influence of adult also gets them in addiction, children always try to imitate adults and when they see adult taking drugs and smoking they also start to do lungs and smoke.

Drugs addiction has many bad effects. It leads to dissatisfaction several body parts like nervous system,brain,heart and many other vitals organs. It makes people mentally dull causes irritation,tiredness,infertility etc. Some people may suffer from AIDS and Hepatitis B. Inn fact, they become physically very weak. and long term use of drugs also may lead to death of a person. 

Drug addiction is not only problem of a individual it has become a nation wide problem. Drugs are very expensive and drug addicts can do anything for money all sorts of crime. They may rob or kidnap and kill others. They become thieves, robber, criminal and smugglers for money and when they have no many they commit suicide.

Drug addiction is a serious problem and we have to solve this as soon as possible.The first thing to do is conduct public awareness, launching various campaign. New plan and policies regarding drugs should be made and effectively implemented.

 People should do creative things in their free time they should keep their mind busy. If anyone ask to take drugs say strictly no and change the subjects and explain to others also the harmful effects of drugs. We  should try to make a fear of drug addiction on people mind so that they will be scared to take drugs.

At-last, Taking drugs may be life threatening but it can also be cured. So, we should make people aware of drug addiction and try to stop drug addiction.