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Essay on money is everything


First of all, Money is anything which is generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value or means of payment.Before money people used to have barter system but it had a problem.

For example: There are two person "A" and "B". now B wants to buy vegetables with A in exchange to fruits, but A wants a knife instead of fruits. So now B have to find another person C in order to buy knife and exchange it with A.

Therefore something common desirable was required that everyone accepts and act as an medium of exchange. That's what money basically is, a widely accepted medium of exchange. It was originated around 5000 years ago.  

Money is arguably one of the most important things in life. It is the root of all economic transactions and it is through money that we can buy goods and services. Therefore, the ability to have access to money and to manage it effectively is of great significance to our lives and to our overall well being.

 Moreover, it is through our ability to manage our money that we are able to achieve our financial goals and live the lifestyle that we want.

"Save money 

And it will save your life"

No one can argue about the importance of Money in our life. No money means that you can 't buy any of the things you need or getting a good quality education or live a normal life like other people. Social life, friendships, family relations and any other source of happiness will make you live your life happier.

 We need money for the basic things for living like food,shelter and clothing.We literally need money for each and everything nowadays.from our basic to basic need we need money.We do everything in order to earn money.We work all day,study all time just to earn money.As money allows us the freedom to live our lives in the way we want to.

Without money, you can't buy any of the basic necessities in life, such as food, shelter, or clothing. These items are necessities because they are essential to survival, so without money you won't be able to get them.

In the modern world, money is very valuable, and it can allow you to do things you wouldn't otherwise be able to do. For example, you can travel around the world and visit many different places if you have money.

Using money to buy the things that you need to survive isn't the only benefit of having money; you can also use it to enjoy yourself and to give yourself a more interesting life.

The three functions of money  are to measure value, serve as a medium of exchange and act as a store of value. Money must be able to accurately measure value so that prices can be determined by supply and demand instead of by guesswork.

 It must also serve as a medium of exchange since no one would want to accept goods or services for payment unless they could receive more for their money. Money must also act as a store of value since there must be something people will accept at any point in time for future purchases or business purposes.

Every person in this world works hard to earn money. People try different methods and set of skills to increase their incomes. But it is always not about earning money, it’s about saving and spending it. People should spend money wisely. Moreover, things should always be bought by judging their worth. Because money is not precious but the efforts you make for it are.

Fun facts: Hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water.