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English class 11 "The oval portrait " All exercise and question answers

                 The oval portrait

Answer the following questions.

a. Where did the narrator and his servant make forcible entrance?

The narrator and his servant made forcible entrance into the isolated chateau in Apennines.

b. Which special picture did the narrator notice in the room?

The narrator noticed the picture of a young women in  oval portrait in the room.

c. Describe the portrait that the narrator saw in the room.

The portrait was oval in shape. It revealed the head and shoulders of young women. The arms bosom and even the end of the radiant hair dissolved untraceable into the unclear yet deep shadows which from the background of the whole.

d. What is the relationship between the portrait painter and it's subject?

The relationship between the portrait painter and it's subject are husband and wife.


A. What is the main theme of the story? Who is the women in the oval potrait?

The main theme of the story is the relation between art and the life. Art and obsession to it are showed as responsible factors for the young bride deat. In this sense, art is equivalent to death. The association between art and life is considered as rivalry. This story can also be taken as warning about the danger neg-elating the reality. In the rush to pursue great art. The women depicted in the oval portrait is the wife of the painter and the victim of his passion of painting.

B."The oval portrait " is a short horror story by Edgar Alan Poe involving disturbing circumstances surrounding a portrait in a chateau . Elaborate
The stoiry has a dark setting. It is set in a bloomy, abandoned chateau. Even though the mansion is abandoned it contained objects of a dark and mysteries past like the o oval portrait itself. The image of a remote chateau, the walls are decorated with tapestry trophies and a great number of sprited more painting which are tattered and antique. The reader's anticipation of mystery is revealed by appearance of lifelike portrait of a women in one of the darker books of mysterious room.

C. "The Oval Portrait " suggest that the women beauty condemns her to death . Discuss.

The diary that the narrator reveals that the young women whose beauty has been captured in the portrait losses her life because her husband wanted to make her lifelike painting for that her husband makes her to sit for many weeks in the same position.In attempt to make her most beautiful painting . He even doesn't realize his wife worsening condition. It reveals the sad reality of the husband's failure to see her worse health condition. As an artist he wanted to treasure her beauty in the from of portrait. In this way, her beauty condemns her to death.

D Discuss the story as a frame narrative (story in a story)

"The oval portrait is a frame narrative or story with in a story . In the first part of the story, we come to know an unnamed narrator who is injured and and wondering at night for unknown reasons. He along with his servant Pedro takes shelter in an abandoned cheatu. The narrator remains awake while his servant falls asleep . he is captivated by the painting on the wall and also finds a diary containing the history of those pictures He also notices a lifelike painting on the wall and he read about it on diary "

In the second part of the story, the narrator tells how a beautiful women marries a painter, who is completely observed in his work. Although she don't love this, she agrees to sit for a portrait. this process takes many weeks. As the painter is about to complete the portrait , the lady becomes increasingly weak. When the painter complete his masterpiece on the canvas, he suddenly realizes she is dead..