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Best exam tips

  Note:  Based on experiences.

 Tips for exam 

1) - Read possible questions

As you may know that there are always some questions that are frequently asked in almost every exam or with the same pattern . so, read that and atleast read that much that even if you are kept alone in exam you can pass all by yourself.

2.Plan B

I know that everyone cheats in exam,even me but everytime cheating won't work.Even if you have a talented guy near you or cheats. At some point there will be strict teacher or situation that you can't cheat. So, make sure to make a plan B and don't be  fully dependent on cheating.

3. Never leave your exam paper empty

If you are weak at studies, be sure to never leave a paer blank. Just write anything related to the topic but never leave a exam paper blank. You will surely get some marks there.

4. Never leave the exam hall early

If you have finished all the questions that you know and the others you don't know then don't leave the exam hall. Sometimes you may remember the answer after giving exam paper so wait.  

Recheck everything,draw margins and if you still have time than wait till the teacher get loose. At some point the teacher may leave or let loose at the last 15 minutes or just beg the teacher. They may let you cheat a little if not then just leave it.


Handwriting is the most important factors in exam. Listen here, you are not the only one student, There are many students in there. you are like a honeybee in the hive,even if one dies it doesn't matter. So, what teacher see are your handwriting,how much you have written and your first and last line so make sure to improve them.

6. Neatness

In exam even if you don't have good handwriting focus on neatness and cleanliness. Anyhow make your paper clean and attractive. Even if you have written a song in there make it so clean that teacher won't notice Like a scam.

7.Start reading from the start

It will be hard to remember everything just before exams. So, start reading from the beginning and in exam you just have to revise them. 

Fun fact : No one knows for sure how dinosaurs mate.