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Essay on Dowry system


 Dowry system

Dowry system is a practice of giving money or property or some kinds of special gifts at the marriage of a daughter by the father to bridegroom or bridegroom's family. The idea behind the dowry system was, to make sure the bride will be financially stable after getting married. Generally dowry includes cash payment, jewels etc. It is one of he major problem in our society as most of the women feel degraded by this custom.

Dowry system gives a feeling of inferiority among the women in the society as they feel that they are no longer independent now. It also encourages violence in the society as men try to get more and more dowry from the girl's family for their daughter's wedding. Furthermore, it is also a cause of harassment for the girls as they have to face a lot of physical and mental pressure to get the desired amount of money from the groom's family.

A father is giving his most important assets  a daughter then how much more does he need to give. a marriage is about love not about the money or property. If anyone asks dowry for the marriage then just cancel it no need for someone who want to marry for money not for a wife.

There exist several causes for dowry system like as it is a tradition you have to follow it, lack of awareness,to build reputation in society and mainly greed.

No matter the causes dowry system has very negative effects in our society.we still hear some cases where a husbands kill his wife because he din't got dowry or to get higher dowry. dowry system causes domestic violence, harassment, mental as well as physical torture. The younger generations will also be influenced by such activities when seen in society and as a result, even the future will not be secured enough. That is why such social evils should be uprooted from the society as soon as possible.

Society is the mass of many as peoples and it is human nature to discriminate another person’s inability. So, if a bride’s family is unable to provide the dowry to the groom, it causes the society to judge the bride’s family to be incapable and unworthy of having the respect that they should have.

Even a bride is demotivated by society and is rejected from society if her family is unable to meet the groom’s demands. She has to listen to multiple demeaning words from society. It also affects the honor of the groom’s or bride’s family.

I surely would say that this is a serious problem which promote domestic violence,harassment and torture so we must eradicate it completely. First we should make people aware about this problem,encourage and empower women against the domestic violence, boycott people who asks for dowry. Government also should make strict plan and policies and implement it and help in removing dowry system.

Lastly, it is a serious social evil that negatively affect us in many ways so we must remove it as soon as possible.

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