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It Is Not Growing Like A Tree poem question answers


It Is Not Growing Like A Tree

It is not growing like a tree

In bulk doth make Man better be;

Or standing long an oak, three hundred year,

To fall a log at last, dry, bald, and sere:

A lily of a day

Is fairer far in May,

Although it fall and die that night

It was the plant and flower of light.

In small proportions we just beauties see;

And in short measures life may perfect be.

                                           By Ben Jonson

Question answers

1. Describe the life of an oak tree.
Oak tree is a huge and long tree. The life of am oak tree lasts for three hundred year. From it's birth to death, oak tree continues to grow and grow and lives a long life but can't give happiness to other people , Neither it can give shade to people. Thus it;s life become meaningless . None remembers it even after it's death. It's long life goes in vain. So, when it dies nobody care about it. Hence, the life of a oak tree isn't fruitful one.

2.Describe the life of an lily.

Lily is a small and beautiful flower. It has a short life span. It lives for only one day. It blooms in the morning and dies in the evening but it lives a happy life and make other people happy. Although it lives a short life it adds happiness and joy to people passing by and lives a beautiful life. It have a short life but it utilizes each and every moments of it's life

3.What is being compared in the poem?
The life a lily and oak tree is being compared in the poem. It shows that the oak tree lives along life but it's life still boring where as lily lives a short life but it add happiness and joy to the lifes of the people . an oak tree doesn't enjoy it's life but lily enjoys it's life. It teaches us to live a life of lily a beautiful and happy life and a long life like an oak tree.
4.Where can we see the beauty?
We can see the beauty in the small portion of our lifelike we can see the beauty in the small plant lily. Lily lives a short life but we can see beauty in it where as Oak tree lives a long life but it lives a boring life. Just like lily we can also see the beauty in the small portion of our life.

5. What is the meaning of  flower light?
Lily is known as flower of light. It blooms during the day with the help of sunlight. While blooming it becomes bright and it gives brightness to beholders.

6. What type of life do you want to live?
I want to live a long life as an oak tree and bright and joyful life as a lily. I want to live a life of both oak and lily tree.I want to utilize each and every moments of life to bear happiness as lily. I want to make my life meaningful one bring happiness to other people. In sometime I want to live long life as an oak tree. No matter what happens oak tree always stands strong. I also want live a strong life as oak tre and happy life as an Lilly.

7. Who lives a very successful life?
Lily lives a very successful life unlike, the oak treeliy lives a very happy and joyful life. Lily utilizes each and every moment of life and makes other life also beautiful.Although it lives a short life it is very happy and bloom. So it is also known as "the flower of light" but oak tree lives a long but boring life. So, i think lily lives a very successful life.

8. Why do people remember lily but not oak tree?
People remember lily not oak tree because the life of an oak tree is a boring one. Although it lives for many years it dosen't utilizes it time and dies  a vain death. So, when it dies no one remember it but lily lives a very beautiful life. It lives for only 1 days but it utilizes it's life and happiness and joy to people life so people remember lily even after when it dies.