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Essay on importance of sports

 Games and Sports

In our modern life, Everyone is busy with their gadgets like mobile and computer.This causes lack of physical exercise in our body. Our body needs to have physical exercise time to time to keep us healthy and fit. This is where ports play a important role. Sports refer to an activity involving physical exercise and skills while competing with others.

We can maintain good health while playing sports as exercise is done automatically while playing sports. Playing sports help to maintain diabetes, reduces stress and tension, and also get rid of excess weight. Playing sports not only help help us physically it also help us in growing mentally. 

There are mainly two type of sports: indoor and outdoor sports and both types of sports are important for us. Playing sports regularly help us to enhance our immunity,increase stamina and it also causes our body to release the level of stress hormones. There are varieties of sport and playing different sports, we can exercise various part of our body. For example: playing chess help us in exercising our brain.

"If you are healthy 

You are wealthy"

 I am sure everyone knows this and sports is what keeps us healthy. Everyone like sports as they are means of entertainment and physical activity. Sports are as important as education which makes us active and teaches us various things. 

Playing sport teaches us good morals, ethics, teamwork,courage,self sacrifices and dedication. It teaches us in developing personality and sharpening our skill. It also teaches us decision making skill,boosts our self confidence, improve memory power, help our brain develop better problem solving skills, and leadership skills.

Upto now it is clear that sport ha sgreat value in our life which help us to develop our personality.Even if we see sport as a career, it has very good scope. Playing sport one can earn name,fame and money. Many countries give priority to sports.

 As it will be a national pride if someone from there nation wins against other countries. sports can unites nation and create peace between countries sine each country want to compete with each other. It also create nationalism as sport help in enhancing a country status. People love to feel that they come from a country that other admires and respect.

At-last, I would like to say that sports play a major role in a individual   life. It refreshes their mind, help in character building,keep us healthy both physically and mentally. Even as a profession it has a great importance. and most of the nation also promotes sports. Thus sports has a great importance in anyone's life.

Fun facts:  Your heart beats 100,000 times a day.