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Essay on population growth

 Population growth

Population growth refers to the increase in a population over time. In other words, it’s a result of human reproduction and natural regeneration. Over the last several centuries,human population has exploded in size.The population grew from 1 billion to 7 billion and more.This massive increase in population has created many social,political and environmental problems.

This rapid population growth has had a significant impact on the environment and our societies. While increased populations do increase economic activity and productivity, they also result in more resource consumption and more pollution. Additionally, high population growth rates can lead to overcrowding, unsafe living conditions, and an increase in poverty.

There are several causes of population growth.And some of them are rise in birthrate,poverty.lack of family planning and education/awareness, decrease in death rate, cultural influences etc. Earlier, there was a balance between the birth and death rate due to limited medical facilities, people dying in wars, and other calamities. So, there were low population.

There are both benefits and drawbacks to rapid population growth. Proponents of more rapid population growth claim that having more people in a society means that the economy grows more quickly and that more people with different backgrounds can share ideas and insights. 

However, these increases in population also lead to an increase in resource consumption and waste production, resulting in more pollution and a depletion of natural resources. In addition, the growth in population size leads to crowded conditions that make access to food and other resources more difficult for many people and lead to unsanitary conditions in overcrowded areas. 

Having high population means having more needs and demands which means ,more use of natural resources and environmental pollution with adverse effect. Finally, Higher population densities means that more people will live in extreme poverty and cause many other problems.

There are various ways to prevent Rapid population growth. First, there should be proper family planning. There should be employment opportunities which help to reduce poverty.we must generate awareness among people about the cause,effect and prevention of population growth.And government should make new plan and policies regarding to population growth.

Every coin has two side just like that it has some benefits also.The benefits of rapid population growth include the following: More people means more opportunities for growth and innovation.More people means more consumers for goods and services, leading to greater economic growth.

Rapid population growth also means that there is more diversity of people in a society. People from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds can share their ideas and insights with one another, which can lead to the development of new technologies and new solutions to social problems.

But at last we should do our best to solve this problem as it creates a lot of problem  and losses than benefit. and mainly it affect the earth that we live in so population growth should be strictly controlled and managed.