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Environmental pollution essay

   Environmental pollution

Environments means the surrounding or a place in which a person,animal or plants live which includes all living and nonliving things in our surrounding. Similarly,Pollution means making something dirty or impure. 

Thus environmental pollution means making our environment dirty or impure by using harmful chemicals and other solid waste. Today, it's a burning hot problem in our world which has affected our daily life in various ways. It is the biggest issue in today's world and the main cause of this is due to human activities.

Human beings are facing the problem of pollution because of Rapid Population Growth, large scale of unmanned industries, throwing wastes in river etc. People are ignorant of pollution and are making surrounding polluted. A person throws a waste in river, then again another person will throw it and from small small waste it will from a hill of waste and cause a huge problem. and it's not only problem of a or two country it is widespread all over the world. 

People have been suffering from different kind of disease caused by environmental pollution. Yearly around 100 million people die due to environmental pollution. It's like a pandemic but it kills people slowly that we can't get attention right away so people still don;t have any fear of it and are still causing pollution.

With the elements of environment: air, land, water and noise polluted it creates a lot of problem. People moved to the forest where they cut trees and start settlement and cultivation. people are just cutting trees and destroying the ecosystem which cause wild animals and bird to disappear. Not only this but it also cause landslide,soil-erosion and deforestation. Moreover in city areas there is no place for trees, we can hardly see  any trees in city areas. 

Everywhere there are houses and building. So, without nature how can we stay healthy. Garbage can be seen everywhere. People are throwing wastes here and there in roads and rivers. Even educated people are throwing wastes like plastic bottles,chocolate rappers here and there in road, so what's the point of being educated. 

Another cause is due to the improper management of  wastes,There isn't proper management of solid-waste. We are either throwing it in river or in road or burning it and causing air pollution. Industrial waste are being directly disposed in river.

 Chemical fertilizer are being used widely. Nothing is managed properly, air is mixed with smoke from industries, smell of garbage, dust and dirt. Unplanned urbanization is done which have a huge impact in our daily life.

Furthermore, Our environment is getting polluted, rivers and other water resources are all mixed with garbage, food have been unhealthy as plant can't get proper nutrition in such polluted environment and the main effect caused is climate change and global warming. Gases released from industries causes ozone layer depletion and acid rain. this help in climate change and rise of temperature.

At last,The problem needs an urgent attention and solution from the public and government for achieving a healthy environment. Every single individual should be involved in this  even if they can't help in large scale the can maintain there waste and public awareness must be created so that they wont throw waste in road and river .3R principle should be used.

Recycle should be done 

Reuse the materials that can be used again

Refuse to make more waste 

Plastics should me used in a proper way, new plan and policies must be made, Public participation should be increased to decrease the environmental pollution.

Fun fact : Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.

Thanks for reading!