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Essay about importance of discipline


  Importance of Discipline


Discipline is the practice of training especially of mind and character. Discipline is the habit of performing some rules which aims at producing self control,obedience,sincerity,honesty etc.
We have to follow some rules and regulation in our daily activities and discipline is the chain of rules we should follow to be disciplined and we may get punished if not followed then. 

Discipline makes us obey our norm and values and shows us the right path ahead. Furthermore discipline significantly contribute to the enhancement of prosperous life.

Discipline is a ladder of progress, no achievement can be imagined without discipline. In other word,it is the key of success. It makes our life more effective and productive as it teaches us to save our money,time and efforts. It is equally important to everyone and used in every field or sector of our life.

 If we observe properly we can notice discipline everywhere,in home,in school , in roads, while working also literally everywhere. In school also discipline is equally important to each and every students.

Students as well as teachers are both expected to be in discipline. If they are not disciplined, the learning and teaching activities cannot be successful. Students can not have a bright future. you could say that discipline is like a ornaments to the students which help them to look nice and beautiful. 

Discipline is also equally important in playground or while playing sports.If the players are disciplined they can win the match like wise if the leader of the country is disciplined then the nation can move towards the progress. Even in military it is important to win in a battlefield,while driving cars,bike and likewise discipline is important everywhere.

"Success is nothing but more than some disciplined practiced everyday"
Anyone who want to achieve success in their life must learn how to be disciplined first.

Discipline provide a rules to live for anyone and while following those rules. It creates a habit which lead us to better and delightful life. Similarly, It helps anyone to achieve their goal,by help in them focus on their goal and overcome any obstacles. Discipline helps anyone to surpass their limit and reach a new height.
At last, we can say that discipline is very important and necessary in everyone's life.

Fun fact : Wearing headphones for just an hour could increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

Just a reminder don't throw wastes on road or any other place. Throw it in dustbin or keep in pocket if there ain't dustbin.

Thanks for reading!