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Essay about importance reading books


   Importance Reading Books

Reading books daily is one of the best habit one can posses. Reading books daily help to make or daily life more effective and productive. Book is a thing that can provide you unlimited knowledge about various thing. I also personally have a habit of  reading books whenever I  have free time and it's amazing as an habit. 

Firstly, Reading books gives you knowledge and not only that but has also various other benefit. One can develop reading skills, increase their memory power and develop high level of focus and concentration while reading book there are various kind of books and they all provide us various knowledge.

 In other words, Reading fiction book we can get entertainment and enjoyment. Further more we can imagine and visualize our story in mind which  also help in increasing imagination power. And while reading self improvement books or self biography books we can increase positivity ,literacy and help to make our life more productive.

Similarly, By reading books written by successful people we can now how did they reach at that point and know their life story which give us inspiration, motivation and new thoughts and ideas. We can think more critically,increase leadership skill,improve communication skill and know various other skills and problems also. 

You see all successful people around the world have one thing in common and that's to read books. They have a habit of reading book.They try to learn something new everyday by reading book. Once bill-gates was asked which super power would he like to have and what he answered was "I wish i could read faster!"

"A book doesn't change the world
 People change the world
 but book changes people "

A single book can change peoples and people can change the world. A book is the only thing you need. A book have it's own world and when you start reading  book you enter it's world where you can gain your knowledge. A book can be your friend when ever you are alone.

Reading book ca teach you to have a attitude of a lion that rules it's own domain. Even if lion isn't the biggest animal of the jungle, even if lion isn't the fastest animal of the jungle or even if lion isn't the smartest animal of the jungle, 

Lion is still the king of the jungle. Reading books can teach you to be like a lion. It teaches you to have a strong mentality,be brave, to have a proper vision towards your goal and achieve it any how, no matter hard it is it teaches you to overcome it.

 At last, having a habit of reading books can change a person life make them more productive,effective and develop more new skills. Reading book can give you boost in your life. You may or may not know but reading books from a young age can help you to increase your IQ more than others who don't read books. 

Reading books means not only school book but also all kind of book that give you positive information and that can be useful to you.Once you start developing habit of reading book you wouldn't know how crazy you will be while reading books.

Fun fact : Pig is the most cleanest animal in the world. 

  Just a reminder don't throw wastes on road or any other place. Throw it in dustbin or keep in pocket if there ain't dustbin.

Thanks for reading!