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Essay on Globalization and Localization


  Essay on Globalization and Localization

First of all Globalization is the process of the interaction,dealing and treating at international level. Nowadays the whole world is considered as a single village and it is due to globalization. Now a days international trade is so much in use, Tourist visit may places of the world, Good manufactured in a particular place can be distributed all over the world within few days. It's all due to globalization. It has made international trade important for every country.

We can take to anyone in any part of the world as if they are just in front of us. News of a particular area can get all over the world in just few minutes. Even film and musics are now produced for global market.
Globalization has enabled a company or an organization to work and influence at international level For example coco-cola,amazon and many others company work all around the world which has added potential to the potential of human society to prosper and develop. Knowledge and technologies advancement spread rapidly across the world. Due to globalization,There is a increase in global competition which drive prices down and create a large variety of choices for consumers and people can choose quality products with low price. Similarly it also increases living standard of people and increase a nation economy 
Globalization, How ever has both good and bad aspects and Some of them are listed below:
Increase in employment opportunities.
Increase in quality of goods and service.
Better utilization of means and resources.
Wider-exchange of knowledge and technologies.
Increased Open-Mindedness and Tolerance.
Economic growth of counties.
Increase in living standard of people.
Chances of earning foreign currency.
Decrease in price of goods and services.
Wider exchange of culture,ideas,knowledge and feeling of universal brotherhood.
Countries can come together and solve international problem.

  • Disadvantage:
  • Decline in self dependence.
  • Increase in  brain drain.
  • Causes climate change and environmental impacts.
  • Rapid spread of deadly diseases.
  • Globalization can create a new system of politics with change in world power system.
  • Unfair working condition.
  • There will be a huge competition in market.

Similarly,localization is the adaptation of a product a service to meet the needs of a particular language,race,culture or local area. Under localization goods and services are produced according to local demand and needs. Localization also help in public participation,growth in self dependence. It help to preserve local art and culture however it has less benefit than Globalization.
And some of the advantage and disadvantage of Localization are given below:
Helps to improve understanding.
Improve in Brand development as there is less competition.
Growth in self dependence.
Maintenance of privacy and growth in nationalism.
  • Growth in public participation.
  • Protection of environment.
  • Control brain-drain.
  • Maximum use of natural and human resources.
  • Diseases won't be spread in the country.

There will be limited amount of opportunities and chances.
There won't be multiple choices and we may have to compromise in goods and services.
Lower speed of development of science and technologies.
Monopoly in market.
Possibility of despotism.
It doesn't reduce the cost of goods and services.
Can't explore the outside knowledge and iideas.