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Essay about "Learning from experience"


      "Learning from experience"

As a student, Learning new things and gaining new experience has always been part of my life. Experimental learning is the process of learning through experience. An experience can be defined as an event or occurrence which leaves an impression on us. In other words we can say knowledge.

One of the most important thing that we learn from experience is making a better decision,with every decision we make in our life we learn something new. From our mistakes we become better at making our decisions. For a instance, If something bad happens to us we may feel like we have wasted our money,energy and time in something that failed and got wasted on the other hand we still gained experience that will help us next time to make us a better individual and help us in gaining success.

There is a saying also
" There is no such thing as failure
 Everything is learning a experience"

Everytime you do something new, do mistakes and gain experience. The next time you do it you get better at it and little by little you become perfect at it and that's how you learn from experience.

Next, essential thing that we learn from experience is how to deal with difficult problems and situations. Not everything always goes as planned, and when it goes wrong then we learn how to deal with the stress and figure out a way to fix the problem. We also learn how to communicate better and work together as a team and solve the problem. This is especially important in our career's, where we have to work together and achieve a common goal.

As a student and a individual, who keeps on learning new things everyday. I believe experience is the best teacher. Experience is the most valuable treasure that we have to collect.  With experience comes wisdom, a better understanding of life and it;s problem,skills and sometimes a regret of the decision that we made in our past.

Sometimes there are once in a lifetime opportunities and once we miss it, it's gone.  So with that experience we suggest others what to do and what not to do just like our respected elderly people who have a lot of experience. 

Atlast, I would like to conclude by stating that learning from experience is the most valuable assets one should posses  which  will help in making our life a better one and making us perfect individual with success in our life.  

Funfact : Chewing gum boosts concentration.