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Essay on health is wealth

  Health is Wealth

Health is the most important wealth in anyone life. Health is the state of being free from any sickness and injury. It is the foundation on which we build our lives A good health is the most important assets in our life.. A healthy mind and body gives us the strength to face anything life throws our way. It helps us  to lead a successful and fulfilling life.

A healthy lifestyle can help us feel good and maintain a healthy weight. It can also reduce the risk of certain diseases and help us recover from illness or injury more quickly. Good health is also a very important part of caring for the environment. A healthy environment is a healthy us! By living a healthy lifestyle, we are protecting our physical bodies as well as the planet we live on.

"We have only one life so take care of it"

Life is something that's very precious and once we lose it it's gone.SO,  If we are not healthy, we cannot  live our  life to the fullest. We are our most valuable possession. We have to protect and take care of ourselves if we want to achieve our full potential and become the person we were meant to be.

Wealth is something that can be earned again but your health is something that can never be recovered once lost.

Having good general health is essential to leading a long and productive life. There are things that you can do every day to improve your health and help prevent disease or illness. Simple things like eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise can make a big difference in how you feel and function. 

Regular checkups with your doctor are also important to your health. They can help catch health problems early so that treatment can be started before it becomes serious. Taking care of your overall health may save you from having to deal with more serious health problems later on in life.The surest way to stay healthy is to eat right and get plenty of exercise.

There are many things you can do to protect your health. We should take as many steps as we can to be healthy and do our part to prevent illness and disease from affecting our health. Being active and eating a nutritious diet are two important parts of staying healthy. 

The foods we eat contain nutrients that we need for good health. An unhealthy diet can lead to many health problems such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. Eating less salt and fat can also protect you from heart disease and some types of cancer. 

Regular exercise can strengthen your muscles and improve your circulation. It can also help you maintain a healthy weight and avoid conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Getting enough sleep is also important for maintaining good health. Sleep deprivation has been linked to increased risk of depression and some types of cancer.

At last, Health is the most valuable treasure in our life so we have to protect it. Finally, we all are aware that our health is the most important wealth that we have. We know that we can earn money if once we lose it, but we can't get back our good health easily if we lose it. Health is the only wealth we are born with and we even die with our health.

Fun-fact: If you are chased by a serial killer you both are running for your life.