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Essay on importance of time/ value of time


 Importance of Time

Time is the most important factor for the progress of human beings. Time is something that keeps on moving forward continuously which never goes backward. According to Einstein” time is an illusion [that both future and past are unchangeable and will play the exact way they are meant to be]”. Time once gone is gone forever that is the reason Why time is so important. There is also a saying.

“Time and Tides waits for none”

Time doesn’t say rich or poor, young or old, sick or healthy. It is equally important to everyone.There are past, present and future time. Past is Past, it’s already gone and we should try to learn from it. Future has yet to come. And present is what we have and If we utilize it now, The future will be bright. Thus, We should not waste a single moment of our present time. 

"Time is money"

We can gain money again if we utilize time but the time lost can't be recovered. So, we should learn to utilize our time. No one knows how much time they have. People can die at any moment for any reason no one can predict the future unless he is Dr Strange. So being aware of this fact we have to use our time for ourselves,Utilizing and Enjoying every moment in our life.

We should not our time by doing unnecessary things like playing cards,digital games and being Idle. We must learn how to utilize and invest the time. To learn and master a skill you must learn to invest your time there rather than using it in other things likewise the more you invest your time in your relationship the stronger the bonding.

Imagine if you wake up everyday with $84600 in your bank account and everyday at the end on the night it's gone weather you spend it or not an the next day you get$84600 again. You will do everything in your power to spend it as you know you will be getting $84600 you wanna leave nothing there you make the best you of it right? You get 84600 seconds everyday then why waste time. Take everyday and every moment and do something wholesome positive.

Wasting time means wasting your future. loss of time lead us to failure and collapse which is a great loss to anyone. We get a limited amount of time so we must learn to make the best use of it.

To utilize our time we must learn how to manage them for eg: if we wake up at 5am everyday instead of 6 am then we get 1 hr extra every day which help us in relaxing, finishing our works-fast and also help us in realizing our goals.

Lastly, Time is equal to everyone, and it gives equal opportunities to everyone so we must make the best use of it while we can.

Fun fact: You can save your time by using our blog.